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Career Change Program

A career change can be difficult and energy draining. It can lead to a lot of overthinking and seem unrealistic and impossible. But with the right help, you can find your direction and overcome the limitations that hold you back from jumping into the working life you long for.

Tørre Woods

Change Career in 8 weeks

Our career change course is an in-depth process that helps you find a new career path that fits exactly to the person you are. The course is divided into two phases.

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1. Direction and goal setting

You gain an understanding of what you are good at, what makes sense to you and who you are, so that we can identify new directions for your working life and establish an action plan

Session 1: We brainstorm to discover which career path could be the right fit for you. We look at your expertise, your natural skills, your passion and what makes sense to you.


Session 2: We identify your core values. We look at which elements must be present for you to thrive in your working life.


Session 3: We look at your personality. Through a personality test, you find out who you are as a person and what type of work you are likely to thrive in. You find out what your strengths and weaknesses are, as well as what you need to focus on in order to develop.


Session 4: The action plan. We summarize the first three sessions by establishing an action plan for what you need to do to get started on your career change.

2. Getting started

With the help of life coaching, we address the beliefs and fears that  hold you back from making your move. Through open questions and targeted exercises, I help you overcome your obstacles so you dare to go after the job you long for.

Wrap-up session

Here are 2 examples of what we could focus on:


Session 5: The fear that you cannot succeed.


Session 6: The fear that you will never be able to live off it.

Session 7: We wrap-up and adjust your action plan

With our Career Change Package
you get:

  • ​​​7 1-on-1 sessions where YOU are in focus

  • To clarify what is important for you to thrive in your working life

  • A new direction for your working life

  • To transform your limitations into opportunities so you can get the job you long for.

  • A personality test so you understand who you are as a person and what type of work you are likely to thrive in. You find out what your strengths and weaknesses are, as well as what you need to focus on in order to develop.

  • To identify your core values so you know what is important for you to thrive in your working life

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